New Jobs Created…

Thanks to the Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities, through Service Canada, four positions opened for four of our clients.
In the positions of ‘Administrative/Fundraising Assistant’ are Richard Langlois and Ajay Morehouse.
In the positions of ‘Website Builder/ Internet-Researcher’ are Jeanette Francis and Vicki Donnelly.
These positions will reverse in April 2013.
We are all finding the jobs ‘challenging’ for various reasons.
Richard is having difficulty with writing because he has a temporary cast on his right arm. ‘Memory’ is also a problem. He is pleased to be able to gain better knowledge of the computer during this job-experience.
Jeanette is also having ‘Memory’ problems. Details regarding her tasks for the position are a challenge to complete, however, she is finding her way around the computer with little problem. She believes the position is a positive move for her future.
Vicki is finding the position challenging, but confidence-building. She too, has task-oriented memory problems, but is slowly getting the job done. She is gaining more computer-skills every day, and believes that this position can only be a positive move for her future.
Ajay is ready to take on any challenges! He is learning new software he hasn’t used before, and is finding it a positive experience enhancing his computer-skills, and his ability to use the computer.