AGM – Monday June 29, noon till 1 pm


Annual General Meeting
Powell River Brain Injury Society

Monday June 29, 2015 12 Noon

#101-7020 Duncan Street Powell River BC V8A 1V9

1. Opening of meeting and introductions

2. Adoption of Agenda

3. Adoption of 2014 Annual General Meeting Minutes

4. Welcome by Society President

5. PRBIS 2014 – 2015 Annual Report

6. Year-end financial report
a. Motion to accept year end financial report as presented
b. Motion to engage Pinch and Reid Accountants for 2015-2016 fiscal year

7. Election of Board of Directors
a. Call for nominations from the floor

8. Date of next meeting – third Monday of June, 2016

9. Adjournment

Benefit Dance this Saturday – 30 May 2015

Scout Mountain Bluegrass and Art Auctions – Silent & Live – at the Rodmay Hotel in Townsite.

[wppa type="slide" album="35"][/wppa]

Check our gallery for bigger photos of the artwork available.

Doors open at 7, music at 7.30. Refreshments available.

Tix $15 available at Rodmay Liquor Store and Rockit Music


Our new chicken house

chookhouseWe put it together from a kit found at Rona. Nancy loves it so much she made a donation so we can buy another!

Nearly ready for the egg layers…

Our Facebook Page for the Nutrition, Cooking and Gardening is here


Fundraising event May 30, 2015

Are you ready for a spring hoedown? Yee-haw!

Powell River Brain Injury Society is holding a fundraising event at the Rodmay, on Saturday May 30th, starting at 7 pm.

Music by Scout Mountain Bluegrass featuring talented local artists, and Art Auctions featuring talented local artists.

Tickets are $15 and available at the Rodmay Liquor Store and at Rocket Music Store.

scoutmtCome on down and have fun while helping to make peoples lives better!


What is the IONCG Program?

The “Innovative Outreach for Nutrition, Cooking and Gardening” is in its second year, here at Powell River Brain Injury Society.
Last year (2014), we built a fenced garden area, with raised garden beds and had success with many of our crops.
With major funding from Opportunities Fund For Persons with Disabilities and increased funding from B.C. Community Gaming Grant, we are able to further develop our unique program.
The Oppsfund has allowed us to employ 4 clients part-time. These and our many volunteers are exceeding our expectations, and we are all learning valuable skills that will enrich our lives.

Mark your calendars for our art workshops

We have some special guests returning to teach and lead us for Wednesdays’ Art Attacks.

Lowell Morris will be here October 15 & 22.

Ursula Medley will be here November 5 & 12.

Come in and try your hand at something new – you will be pleasantly surprised by the results!

Brain Injury wallet cards now available.

We were requested to provide informational wallet cards about brain injury that people could show others.

These are business card sized and ready to pick up here at the centre.

brain injury wallet card front brain injury wallet card back