TWO picnics coming up in August

July 27 2015 007On Tues Aug 1, 2017, we are going to visit our chickens at their new home, which is a petting zoo south of town. We will see our cherished hens in their comfy surroundings and get to meet their fellow farm animals.

Phone or drop in to the centre on Duncan to learn more about this adventure and find out how to contribute food and arrange ride-sharing.  Farm is in the vicinity of Zilinsky Rd.

We will meet here at 9 am and leave by 10.
picnicThen there is our Annual Picnic on Friday August 11, once again on Texada Island, at Shelter Point Park.

We are planning on going over on the 10:40 ferry, and returning on the 3:00 pm or 5:05 pm. Phone or drop in to sort out food. ride-sharing and other details. Ferry fares for passenger and vehicles will paid for by the society.

Meet here at 9 am.